Monday, January 11, 2010

An oceanic kitchen lies between us

But we have no trouble crossing it.
But then again, thank god it's there, or else revision would be history.

Let's waste time
Chasing cars
Around our heads

Until someone swings the door open and yells out my name and says 'she's in the flat somewhere!'
That's my cue to get under the covers be as fucking quiet as possible. Quiet. SHHH! Quieter than when I took my SATs.

So she turns the light off, and opens the door, entertains these guests while pretending to have gone to bed already. Well, technically, she had gone to bed...but for other purposes.

And during the whole 5 minutes that this entertaining went on, I was clutching my jaw so hard that my molars were about to crack. Also, not breathing.

But I must admit, all this sneaking around is exciting. No. A better word would be challenging. The challenge is to make it to the end of the week without getting caught. If that happens, MI6 has their new James Bond. Yes, I do think James Bond is not a person, but a code name, and that Bond and his girl ARE James Bond. I'm the geek in pajamas after all.

Please please please...

Begging leads to...bathroom breaks every 10 minutes. ^^
Promise, I won't do it again. d(*.*)b