Monday, July 19, 2010

Instructions from a coffee mug on a very awkward morning

Drink me, drink me, my black bubbles bursting into smaller bubbles like those scientists say. You think there's no rush, no hurry, no urgency? Well my friend, this is a very urgent situation. What is it that you wanted to say? Admit it, come on say it. You want to, you know you do. That's why you're clutching me like a beat-up stress ball. Have a sip...there. Didn't that feel reassuring? Now say it. Don't stare at me, look that way. It's a wall, I know, with a portrait. Oh look, the portrait is just as nervous as you are. Don't look so glad. And don't look out the window! There's nothing there but ants and beetles. Hey, HEY! Take a s--

Ok that sip took too long. It's not like I'm getting cold. Are you? Feeling cold? Maybe if you say something from that pool of thoughts simmering in your head...
... ... ...
I'm cold now, you know. You hate me when I'm cold. There's no punch, there's no burst. You missed it, the punch I mean. Not the punch, the chance! Dammit, stop stuttering. You got too much punch from me now you're just flying on a kite. Here's what you're going to do.

Let's just see where this goes.